( writing essays on music )

a bi-monthly newsletter 2025

in dec.24, i spontaneously started publishing a bi-monthly newsletter on Substack as dis ce que. the newsletter focuses on experimental/contemporary music, composing, listening, and analysing all kinds of works. i mostly enjoy doing comparative analysis or portraits. you'll find below a list of articles published until now, with a short description. like the influencers say: share, subscribe, but mostly enjoy

- mar.25:

happy womxen, dah: celebrating womxen composers currently in their 30s

- feb.25:

missing case: Loren Rush: an investigation on selected pieces from the composer Loren Rush

- jan.25:

Yano | Natsu — dancer-travelers: on Yano Hideyuki and Natsu Nakajima

'Mustapha Skandrani' — (inadvertently) emblematic: observing different ways we relate to Mustapha Skandrani's pieces

- dec.24:

self-driven — a few words on Adrian Piper, Catherine Christer Hennix & Katrina Burch: portraits of personal heroes, from a giftedness-informed perspective

'assisting' others — reflecting on ± one year of assisting other composers: sharing personal experience of assisting composers for Echonance Festival at Orgelpark in 2024 and 2025