(for) semaison
a cycle of short pieces for piano/keyboard — 40'00" [in-progress] — 2024
(for) semaison is a cycle pieces inspired by the istikhbar(or stikhbar), the introductory section of Algerian nūbat, and written for (retuned or in equally tempered) piano and/or microtonal keyboard. composing the pieces will unfold from now until early 2025, where i intend play the pieces, solo and with others
differently from for kali, the cycle of pieces (for) semaison will include more varied and faster modulations (!) so stay tuned
ps: "semaison" describes the natural dispersion of a plant's seeds in French. as its double-entendre title suggests, the project (for) semaison is as much of an attempt to, through music, find one's 'home' ("sa-maison") as a furthering dispersion